I would like to make this clear... Just because someone has given their life to Jesus DOES NOT mean they are anywhere near perfect. I am so tired of people telling me I think I'm perfect just because I'm always at church and what not. Listen, I do not think I am perfect, nor do I want you to think I am. I made a life changing decision, just like some people decide to join the army, to become a lawyer, to become a doctor, my decision was to accept Jesus as my one and only savior, and live according to his word (the Bible). There was only ever once a perfect man on earth and His name was Jesus. It's not right to assume someone thinks they're perfect because they have decided not to follow the flow of this world. People are so easily Judgmental, they say oh you can't listen to this because you go to church, you can't say that because you go to church, or you can't do that because you go to church...NO! You know what that is??? It's JUDGING! When someone does something wrong in the eyes of the Lord, it's between them and God.. no one else, ever. Another point I'd like to clear is this one. Just because I go to church doesn't necessarily mean that worldly things will burn my eyes or ears off. I am human just like you are, I make mistakes, I fall, I get back up. The only difference might be that I am property of Jesus meaning I have Him to guide me, to help me get back up when I'm down, to make me happy when I 'm sad, to complete me and get rid of the void most of humanity is always trying to fill. No matter what happens, I'd like to continue in the right path without people assuming I think I'm perfect.
I'm Just a Girl :)
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